Let us compare the teeth whitening products can be seen on the Internet. You have probably subjective score, which is based on everyone's opinion. The best way to compare it with the professional shade Guide. It can be very effective to a person, but it can not do anything to the other. It can be vary based on the amount of the spots, but it is a fact that all have always high expectations. The results included here is a compilation or average rating, different products on the market have received.
At-home Strips
Based on (a) to (e) the level of revision, this product is a "c" grade. It will give you a little bit whiter teeth, and it is not expensive. A small quantity of evil has resulted in this product. You can you this if you have sensitive teeth and gums. You can get 2-4 level whiter level, and you can have the result to 8 months.
At-home magazine gel
Grade for this product is (c). This is better than broadband with 3-6 shades and can goods up to 8 months. The cost is started from $ 15 for two disposable trays and $ 100 into usable bakker, but this can give you gum sensitivity.
Paint-on your home
Grade for this product is not better than d. this product only works as toothpaste, which only lighten up as much as 3 shades. The result is only lasts 2 months, but it does not much sensitivity. The price is very varied, but do not spend a lot of money on them.
This is a cheap product, but it does not give you the bleaching effect. The grade is therefore only e. but you can use this product to maintain your white teeth.
Professional treatments
This will (a) or (b) in the review. The difference is only based on the patient's expectations or level of the spots. People may become disappointed when they have an uneven whiteness teeth due to a veneer or a Crown, because it can not be bleached, but you can change it with the same other teeth.
When it comes to price, get teeth whitening (c) in the audit.? In some cases, the cost is unaffordable, ranging from $ 350 to over $ 1,000.? But the results can last for as long as two years.
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how much is a professinal teeth whiting costsTag:: money, teeth, whitening toothpaste, whitening the teeth, teeth white products