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2011年5月17日 星期二

Dental Marketing Promotion Aimed At Women on February 4th!

Ever heard of a gal by the name of Betty Friedan?

If not, don't worry. I'd never heard of Betty either, until I did a little research. As it turns out, Betty Friedan founded the organization N.O.W. Ever heard of this group?

The National Organization for Women! It just so happens that Betty was born on February 4, 1921... and... this is a great opportunity for you to get new patients into your dental practice.

Let me explain:

You see, this may seem hard to believe but women still make most of the everyday buying decisions.

What this means is this:

If the kids get sick, 9 times out of 10 it's the woman who finds a pediatrician. If the dog needs a check-up, once again statistics say that the woman finds a vet.


The Same Goes For Finding A Dentist!

Matter of fact, I'll bet $20 bucks that your 'perfect prospect is female.

I'm not suggesting you don't have male patients. But, I'll bet a majority of your patients are women.

And you should... Do Whatever It Takes To Cater To And Serve WOMEN!

Does this mean you neglect men? No it doesn't. Does it mean that target all of your marketing towards women? Not it doesn't. But when you have a day like February 4th (which is a big day for women)...there is nothing wrong with running a special focused on the ladies.

For example...

"Attention Ladies: Would You Like To Be Pampered and Spoiled on February 4th By A Massage Therapist...A Master Chef... and... A Dentist?"

And your copy could tell a story about Betty Friedan.

How much hard work Betty spent promoting rights for women.

And, how you want to celebrate all the women in (your neighborhood) by giving them a __________.

Maybe you team up with a local massage clinic and a restaurant, and giveaway FREE massages, food and dental exams. There are endless ways you can make something like this "work". You just have to get creative, and be willing to have a little fun.

If you're sick and tired of hearing the same-old-stuff from dental marketing "gurus" then mosey on over to... to get your a free e-book titled, "6 Ways To Skyrocket Your Dental Practice Profits!" In this free e-book, you'll get 6 "ready to go" dental marketing campaigns you can have up-and-running in the blink of an eye.

