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2011年3月6日 星期日

Why is tooth whitening so Popular?

Everywhere, hope now we see that you people with Luminescent, bright smiles and teeth. Rarely we see anyone with yellow teeth discoloration on TV already. Some of the actors are so white and bright smiles that seems false and you know they were bleached teeth.

The popular sitcom friends even made a parody of teeth whitening where one character teeth were so white post-treatment they sparkled in the dark as they were irradiated. Therefore, what is really tooth or tooth whitening, how much, is so popular, and what kind of results can expect one?

Tooth or tooth whitening is basically controlled oxygen from the enamel of the teeth discoloration. As any good dentist will tell works better on some than others, and not everyone is a good candidate (kind of like laser surgery). It won't work in any false teeth as porcelain veneers, implants ceramic, etc. Only works in the real teeth. The main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide or Carbamide Peroxide, are both oxidants and will be bleach teeth enamel.

On counter and product kits usually have a low percentage of the oxidizing main ingredient (usually in the range of 2 to 6%). This is minimally effective at best. S, surgeons plastic and oral dentist use a solution of 30 to 35% and will Add to this a blue or white high-power plasma or oxidizing activity of processing laser light to hyper growth.

The difference is that more than products and kits for counter can, of many treatments whiten teeth 1-2 tones while Office treatments such as Zoom (one of the most popular brand name for professional teeth whitening now) will be one hour more or less "launder" the nuances of teeth from 8 to 14. This is a huge difference, but there is also a great price that comes with this whitening Office (usually $ 400 to 500 and most insurance companies do not cover this treatment).

Also, another care thing is many dentist s uses bleaching to attract customers in unnecessary and expensive treatments beyond whitening. Many people are finding that when making the appointment for whitening that dentist tells them that they need their teeth wisdom remaining removed, treated cavities even when there is none and many other requirements not routine as the anaesthetic requiring cleaning deep for a person who does not have cavities or gum disease.

Many people have found every dentist seen in some areas like Chicago, IL and Charlotte, North Carolina gives a different story and different requirements.

For the rest of this article and similar larger articles and tips, visit - skin care - skin treatment - TCA peel results.

