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2011年1月4日 星期二

Teeth doing - Creatures

Teeth whitening has been available for some years, but recently has jumped to the top of the list of cosmetic treatments. More and more patients are asking their dentists of teeth whitening and many are wondering if there are side effects or may be cause damage to the teeth. On the other hand, research shows that there is an increase of over 300% in the demand for bleaching modern technical so it is very possible that some people jump right in without asking any questions. Well here are answers to some questions are common and some important facts to know anyone who is considering cosmetic teeth whitening.

Teeth doing – works?
Dentists would never recommend a treatment unless they were convinced that it is safe and effective. Professional whitening teeth, managed by a dentist, definitely falls into this category and can be little doubt that really work. Moreover, the results can be an absolute transformation as the popularity of the treatment being tested. If your dentist teeth whitening procedure you can have a smile for take pride in a few hours. Alternatively, you can take the diy route. Ask your dentist to keep it in a tray and perform the procedure yourself, at home, for a period of several weeks. It must be patient and ensure completion of a comprehensive treatment plan, but in the end will be very satisfied with the results.

What do I need to whiten my teeth?
People choose to whiten your teeth for a safer and more attractive smile. White teeth look better, but unfortunately all teeth are stained by the food and drink. Long, tea and coffee, as well as red wine, soft drinks and all food colorings contribute to discoloration. Some medications can also cause stains and smoking teeth can be permanently stained if nothing is done. Brushed alone cannot restore teeth affected by many years of staining. And often people whose teeth discolored wrong may over-brush in an attempt to remove stains damage teeth enamel cover.

What teeth whitening procedure?
Teeth whitening treatment essentially clarifies the color of the teeth to improve its appearance by reduction of dental bleaching offering a brighter smile. The term 'bleaching' is misleading, however as teeth vary in colour, and nobody has really white teeth. Teeth differ in the shade and teeth of some people are naturally more obscure than others. The actual degree of 'whiteness' achieved will vary from one patient to another, but the results are invariably a great improvement.

Surgery bleaching is fast and makes an immediate difference. During the procedure of whitening gel is applied to teeth dentist and a special light that is used to activate the gel. Once activated gel, remains in their teeth during 15-20 minutes before new applications. Teeth can be bleached by various shades and tooth shade graphics can be used during query to access its current color tooth and set its goal to bleaching.

For a household in the whitening kit will have a mouth tray made custom created by the dentist to be used for the treatment. The kit includes a gel of whitening is placed in the tray. You then carry tray for a few hours a day or night and improvements are normally for a period of 2-4 weeks. Startup kits offer a flexible option and although it may take more time, the results may be as effective as surgery whitening.

The new treatment necessary?
The teeth should never darken its original color completely after professional teeth whitening, but most people notice a slight feathering of 18 months to 2 years. This can be remedied easily by just a few hours for a household in the whitening kit use.

The treatment will cause no damage to my teeth?
Properly managed whitening not damaged teeth. However, whitening procedures is not undertaken without consultation with your dentist to examine the condition and the sensitivity of the teeth and gums. Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity as a result of the effects of gel whitening are used in the procedure, but this is usually mild and short-lived.

What can I do to keep my white teeth?
To help the teeth whitening treatment last as long as possible is important to avoid foods and drinks that could stain the teeth during at least a week after bleaching. These also should be avoided while managing home teeth whitening treatments. It is also recommended that you quit smoking as long as possible because this is also detrimental to their health.

Can be found more information on health issues dental website Longborough dental practice

