When considering a cosmetic treatment on teeth, is important to weight the pros and cons. The teeth should last for all his adult life, therefore damaging them prematurely is a real concern. The last product range of teeth whitening on the claim market 100% safe and able to remove stains, as well as a dentist could. Before buying one of these kits, it is important to consider whether or not the appropriate treatment for you.
How can I be safe teeth whitening kits are safe for use in the home?
Home teeth whitening kits use exactly the same ingredients as your dentist to remove stains. Food and America - drug administration or FDA as it is more commonly - known has certified Carbamide Peroxide levels is teeth whitening kits and are safe for use in the home. FDA will continue to conduct tests in these kits every two years, giving real peace of mind consumers. In 2006, the Scientific Committee of the European Union's consumer products also found 6% Carbamide Peroxide is in kits to be suitable for use in the home.
The kit works using the existing structure of the teeth to remove stains without damaging the enamel surface. Coverage of each tooth has many tiny pores in which can seep tooth whitening gel. Once inside the tooth, Carbamide Peroxide acts as a mild bleach, gently turning the teeth to their natural whiteness. However, this process can result in some sensitivity that to reduce it is advisable not to brush our teeth use kits. If any discomfort occurs during use, it is possible to use a blue light unit to increase the effectiveness of the gel and speed up the processing time by up to 50%. Kits of also have a long service life and will remain usable if it remains fresh and out of direct sunlight, therefore a fridge is an ideal storage solution.
Why should I use kits home, instead of going to my dentist?
The dose of these teeth whitening kits administered within the guidelines of the FDA and the European Union, by ensuring that they are adequate for use in the home. Using the same active ingredients as you would with your dentist, kits offers fantastic whitening properties that are impossible to achieve with conventional toothpaste. They also allow you choose your treatment - time denying the need to make several appointments with a dentist who can interrupt the course of their day.
While the kits won't work in any dentist ry, such as fillings and crowns that have been associated with the color pre-whitened teeth, it is incredibly fast working on natural teeth. Even with Add ed cost of having any job matches with her new smile home teeth whitening kits offer significant savings compared to similar treatment carried out in a dentist's surgery. Not only offered financial savings, but also much more personal freedom - allows to decide where and when is it convenient for your for home teeth whitening.
For more information, please visit our website at http://www.smile4you.co.uk